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Getting started with avmath

Get avmath

Avmath is a registered PyPi package and can be downloaded using the pip command:

pip install avmath

Also it can be downloaded from IDE package managers of e.g. Thonny or PyCharm.

At the moment, avmath cannot be installed from a conda channel. It is recommended to use a standard Python environment or use the pip manager of conda.

Import the modules

To use the standard avmath tools it is only required to use the import avmath import statement. If all functionalities are required, it is recommended to import in the following way:

import avmath
from avmath import analysis

Important features

The focus of avmath lies on symbolic calculations. For this purpose it provides number types like fractions.


The Fraction type can be imported from the avmath base module.

from avmath import Fraction

Now the Fraction can be initialised with numerator and denominator.

a = Fraction(2, 3)